
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Antara Kereta & Wanita Idaman Hidup Anda = Sama je sebenarnya & NO it's not about the riding DX

*Dialog pinjaman. Bukan dialog ciptaan saya* Seorang Non-Muslim pernah mempersoalkan seorang lelaki Muslim mengapa wanita Islam tidak diizinkan untuk bersalam/berjabat tangan dengan mana-mana lelaki. Dialognya seperti di bawah:

Lelaki A: Saudara, boleh saya bertanya, mengapa wanita-wanita kamu (Islam) tidak boleh bersalam atau berjabat tangan dengan mana-mana lelaki?
Lelaki B: Macam nilah, kalau saya tanya awak, bolehkah Ratu Elizabeth of England bersalam dengan semua rakyat jelatanya?
Lelaki A: Eh mana boleh! Diakan royal, orang-orang tertentu sahaja yang boleh diberi penghormatan untuk menyentuh tangannya.
Lelaki B: Samalah dengan kami para muslimin. Kami memandang wanita-wanita kami seperti Ratu. Hanya orang-orang tertentu sahaja boleh menyentuh, lebih-lebih lagi melihat auratnya. Wallahua'lam.
(sorry...sempat lagi saya letak meme kat atas....xD)

Walaubagaimanapun, dialog di atas adalah berkaitan dengan apa yang saya nak kongsikan dengan para pelawat & pembaca blog ini tentang kehormatan & nilai keagungan seorang wanita muslimah di mata agama Islam itu sendiri. Saya bukannya seorang tahfizah Al-Quran, mengaji pun tak selalu sempat nak rujuk tafsir tapi pandangan saya adalah berdasarkan pembacaan serta pentafsiran fikiran saya tentang beberapa isu yang menarik perhatian saya. Jadi, kalau ada salah di mana-mana, silalah tegur dan kalau nak tambah point pun lagilah saya mengalu-alukan. InsyaAllah. So, here goes....
Abang-abang & adik-adik lelaki yang kacak bergaya di luar sana, anda semua mesti suka kereta kan? Kalau tak gilakan pasal hal-hal auto, pasti semua ada kereta idaman masing-masing kan?

Entri ini asalnya saya tulis pada 7 Julai 2010 dalam Note di CrapFaceBook. Tapi saja nak share lagi sekali di sini supaya boleh juga dikongsi-kongsikan dengan gadis-gadis & jejaka-jejaka yang bujang2 di luar sana. Yang dah kahwin pun boleh, buat panduan untuk diceritakan kepada anak-anak bila mereka dah cukup dewasa atau dah cukup umur nak nikah X) Sebelum itu, sya pohon maaf sebab entri ini teramatlah panjang sebab masa menulis dulu, muse atau mojo saya datang mencurah-curah ibarat air paip yang getahnya rosak lol #mengarut

[Post bermula]

"Salam. This is something that i write because i have been inspired by my beautiful and wonderful Muslim sisters who never tires of sharing me the knowledge that they have and wishes nothing less than my happiness the way i wish for theirs dunia and akhirat. Amin. And i really hope this piece of opinion will help protect other Muslim sisters out there from anyone taking their rights.
Jaguar XJR-15. Looky at that Jag...she's a treasure alright~ ;D
Dear Brothers,

i'm pretty sure almost every guys love cars, even if you're not a big fanatic about which year, which series, which parts needed tuning, what enhancements you can put to mod that car but no matter what, you will always have that one dream car that you'd definitely want to own & cruise around before you die.

Same as when it comes to ladies, some guys...they can "tell" *snorts* about certain measurements, sizes, or what that lady might like or how she roll the dice and all.

Let us start with the basic of "ownership". It is common sense that you only OWN something IF A. You were given the ownership or the ownership is being transferred to you by the existing owner or B. You pay and buy that car and that makes you the rightful owner.

Are you following me so far?


It's the same as girls/ladies.(cars, cars, cars on the streets, on the roads) Your dream life partner/wife. (Your dream car. Yeah i'm talking about Bentley, Lotus, BMWs, Ferraris, Benz. You know what i mean).

There you see her (or her type) on the streets (another type that the other Muslim brothers might drive) and you think that "Hey, that's the one! i'm gonna make her mine". Then you go to a showroom (her home) and to meet up with the car dealer/owner (a.k.a Dad & Mum). Yes, you may express your intention to OWN that dream car at his showroom but it could only be a silent agreement (which can be breached at any moment by another fellow Muslim brother. oh boy.)

Yes, you may go around and holla to your fellow brothers that you own the car but the sad fact is you don't. You have no right to TOUCH, let alone DRIVE. (Yeap, hands off brothers) Yes in real life, you can take a car out for a test drive but in Islam there is no such thing. (in reference to a woman of course). You may be able to sneak a little bit of touches to the side mirrors, steering wheels from time to time without the dealers knowing about you touching their merchandise without their knowledge and consent but if you're unlucky, you might be leaving the imprints of your doing. Tsk tsk tsk... **Refer to additional paragraph**

For example you're eye-ing that Jaguar XJR-15. You know she's a rare edition, the real deal. No one has ever touched her because the owners took great care of her. Washing her, feeding her with the best and high quality fuel, maintaining her with hopes that a new deserving and capable person will fall in love with her and would love to saddle that responsibilities. That's the same analogy that could describe any normal Muslim fathers out there. They gave life to their daughters, feed them, clothed them, take care of them when they're sick, give them the best that their life could offer, give them education and with hopes that one day, they will meet a young (or old, regardless) man that will be able to take over the responsibilities to ensure that their daughters would live happily.

She's a rare gem for sure then what is the right thing for you to do instead of sneaking behind the owner's back to for example cam-whoring with the car (later on posting it on your social networking site profile and claimed it as yours) or sneak some touches here and there without license? (haram, brothers. haram.) You just go and meet the owner and ask him/them on how you can be a rightful owner & how to make them trust you that you are the one deserving to own and take care of that car. Expressing interest to own is just like a hearsay. Its not enough. Instead of assuming that you need to have at least a 10K worth of down-payment and make another 100K worth of loan that you still won't be able to finish paying till your very last breath, talk to the owner, ask them the price. Good Muslim parents would not make the best and right thing to do difficult and burdening nor complicated. Well don't be surprised! As far as i know, there have been quite a number of generous Muslim fathers who would be more than happy to transfer the ownership of his most precious car/treasure/possession a.k.a daughters at the price of only the mahar (whichever the future prospect can afford or an Al-Quran). In Islam, the lower your mahar, the more barakah it is. So which one would you like to please? The society you're living in who doesn't give a shit let alone money to you & all they ever do is judge and talk and judge and talk OR do you want to please Allah by fulfilling half of your religion by doing the right thing?

Once you reach a mutual agreement on the reasonable price with the owner, do your bookings (engagement) and finally the transferring of full ownership on that meaningful day as you sign the agreement (solemnization).

We're Muslims and we have our religion to base everything on. Why can't we do what is demanded by our religion, not society?

Well until you have the rights to own that dream car, you can keep on dreaming of driving it but that's as far as it goes. Until you sign that final agreement you do not have the right to be suspicious and controlling or possessive whenever another fellow Muslim brother genuinely praises the good qualities of your dream car. Like i said before. If it's a rare gem, you're not the only one who dreams of owning it. So if deep inside your heart you know that she is the one who you want to have and hold till the day that you die, start now. Today. Until you rightfully own her, you have got to trust her that she will take care of herself, will not openly let any other man touches her or do anything to her that will ruin her qualities. You have no choice but to trust her that when she moves on the roads or on the streets, she will meet other people who would find her good qualities appealing but sometimes it's just as that: admiration and nothing more. Because they have their own preferences of a dream car as well. What's the point of having an envy or jealousy when you never own that car to start with. Silent (or unspoken) agreement can be breached at anytime remember?

However, even if you can afford to own such car but you don't know how to take care of it and keep it shiny and happy, it's still pointless. You don't wash it, don't polish it, don't maintain it, even the most high quality car could wither in time but with the right and sincere care, it'll last your whole lifetime just like the first day you met her. A car runs on fuel, lubricants but a woman runs on purely love, care and trust. There's also no point of you giving her expensive material things but they all come with a price. You will keep on questioning how much you have done and given her, it will make both of you unhappy. If you genuinely wants to give something to a girl that you love, take it as a sadaqah & do not expect anything in return. Maybe you could hope for a du'a from her which i'm pretty sure a good Muslim woman would do everyday for the people that she loves. For insyaAllah, Allah will bless you even more. Just because you don't see it now doesn't mean it's not there. His rewards and blessing are nothing that anyone on this earth could ever buy. MasyaAllah.

A good woman doesn't see dollar signs in that potential suitor's eyes, she just wants to see hope and love & determination to have her in the only rightful way. it's every woman's dream to have a husband who will be able to have good judgment, strong-will and love because he will be the Head of her family. The leader who will guide her and her family to the shores of Jannah. InsyaAllah. Semua pun nak sampai ke sana kan?

That's why if you still can't afford to own that car it doesn't hurt to invest in a little bit of readings and research or the very least, get a 'manual' on how to be a good 'driver'. Heck, you can get that books/knowledge at the cost of less than RM10 at any bookstores. "How to be an excellent husband with iman?" RM10 is nothing compared to the endless barakah you will get from Allah for having good intentions to learn. Invest in improving your personality, patience, care but most importantly, your ibadah. Because i learnt something very precious. If you do something because of Allah and your religion, He will help to enlighten your burden a bit if not much but gradually if you keep holding on to your good intentions. Allah is the only One who we can trust to always be there for us when no one else will. He always have time to listen but do we ourselves have time to pray to Him? If you want to do the right thing because of Him, He will always help to make things less difficult for you if only you ask Him for His guidance.

Lastly, i would like to apologize if what i just wrote might have hurt and offend anyone who reads this but it's undeniable. The truth really hurts but until the truth is not yet spoken, it has become a responsibility for me to express my opinions and feelings. What is good, by all means, with an open heart please do share it with people who you care for. If not, please do correct me so that i will learn from my mistakes. May Allah bless you all my brothers and sisters. Jazakallahu Khair~ Wassalam.


Have you ever heard of "Once Broken, Considered Sold"? i'm pretty sure quite a number of Muslim brothers nowadays would say, "Nah, i had a little bit of 'test drive' you know and who wants used goods for a lifetime anyway (when you're the one who 'used' it first d'oh)" and goes off to find an innocent, fresh, untouched girl to marry and acted like a nice guy/husband/father in his future.'ve taken another man's right you selfish a$$hole! and then you were acting like you're the saint of the family. Allah sees, Allah knows and Allah has prepare something special for you either in the world or hereafter. if i were you, i'd pray for His forgiveness and beg him to punish me back by cash on earth. Not outstanding credits in the hereafter. You just can't afford to pay back all your sins. This is what i've been reading at the local papers and magazines every single day. One of the news i could still remember last year was about 10 couples caught daily (in the nude) in Terengganu while 'rockin' the Kazbah. it's devastating. it's sad. My Muslim Brothers, have you no respect for Muslim women? You do love your "girl friend" don't you? Then why did you go and do this stupid shiz aye? Why? Gunakanlah 9 akal itu dengan baik dan perangi 1 nafsumu itu. 9 against 1 pun boleh kalah ke? T___T

[Post Berakhir]

Petikan Surah an-Nuur, Ayat ke-32 bagi mereka yang risau adakah rezeki mereka cukup untuk mendirikan rumahtangga, kita sama-sama hayati:
"Dan kahwinkanlah orang-orang bujang (lelaki dan perempuan) dari kalangan kamu, dan orang-orang yang salih dari hamba-hamba kamu, lelaki dan perempuan. Jika mereka miskin, Allah akan memberikan kekayaan kepada mereka dari limpah kurniaNya, kerana Allah Maha Luas (rahmatNya dan limpah kurniaNya), lagi Maha Mengetahui.

Sekian, blog post barf dari saya #LOL

Maafkan kekurangan ilmu dari saya, saya akan berusaha untuk perbaiki. Mana yang baik, kita sama-sama saling berpesan-pesan dengan izin Allah.

Lots of love to all Muslim sisters out there,
Diyana Jamaludin

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